About Graystone Auctions
Graystone Auctions started over 30 years ago in Sun City, Arizona. We specialize in real estate and complete estate and business liquidation for attorneys, accountants, their clients, and the general public. We have conducted over 1000 successful real estate and estate auctions over the past 30 years. When you hear of record prices for items such as autos, jewelry, antiques and fine art, you will find it was an auction that achieved those values. Auctions are one of the most exciting ways to sell real estate in the world today. Graystone Auctions is very select in the auctions conducted. We only auction in areas that there is demand for the real estate being sold. In markets where sellers are getting multiple offers in the conventional real estate world, it is almost an auction of sorts. The difference is when Graystone creates an auction event and all parties are on an equal playing field, the competitive bidding can warrant the highest possible price for the property. To fully understand the process we utilize, call us today for a confidential meeting on your real estate, estate, or business.
Who is Graystone
Our Company Mission
The Graystone Philosophy
The Graystone Promise
We Can Deliver
Phone: 623.670.6243
Email: liz@graystoneauctions.com
Office Hours: Monday - Friday (8:00am - 5:00pm)
Servicing Arizona

Great Things Happen when Graystone Gets Involved.
Our purpose is to deliver successful results.